Sunshine Blogger Award

Hey hey im baaaack!

I have been nominated by the lovely Dollie Daydream. Please do check her blog out, she’s an amazing blogger and her page is lush!
So, ‘The Rules’

  • Thank the person at nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions your nominator has given you.
  • Nominate 11 other people and give them 11 new questions to answer.
  • List the rules and display the award.

My 11 Questions

1) If you could be any animal for a day what would it be and why?

I think i’d probably be some type of bird like, not a pigeon or anything as they are just rats with wings! I’d want to be maybe a vulture or even a magpie. They can fly around so freely, look down at the world and see so much and also… I’d sh*t on a lot of people’s heads!

2) If you could name a planet what would you call it and what would it be like?

I’d name it ‘Heaven’, it would be where you went when you had passed away. It would be just how I imagine heaven to be –  Beautiful, warm, fluffy, everyone gets along and the whole planet was at peace. To get on to the planet it would be like travelling to another country – You’d have to take identification and you could only stay there for a certain amount of time to visit your loved ones that had passed.

3) When you have had a stressful day what is the first thing you do when you get home?

As I work shifts and the times I get home are different then my methods can vary. If I’m on an early shift I get home between 14:00 and 14:30. If im stressed out then I’ll put the kettle on, find some crap TV like maybe Jeremy Kyle and I’ll sit and watch that (Always a few people on there that will make you feel better about your own life!) and I’ll wait for my other half to come home to cheer me up which is something she is extremely good at from the minute she walks through the door and smiles at me! If im on a late shift which finishes between 22:30 and 23:00 and it’s been stressful then I tend to get straight in to bed, take a deep breath, and offload to the other half who is an extremely good listener! Then have a spoon and go to sleep, reminding myself that tomorrow is another day and it will be better than today!

4) Name one thing you love about yourself and why?

I love that I can get along with so many different people. No matter their race, age, size, sex, religion, looks, sexuality, or opinions. I always try my best to not judge straight away and give people a chance. This means I have such a variety of people who I know and talk to either face to face or via social media (mainly social media because I’m not as shy behind a computer screen!). Being able to do this has got me so far in life!

5) What do you think is important in a friend?

TRUST! It’s important in anything but especially in all types of relationships. I need to be able to trust my friends and I hope that all my friends feel they can trust me. And a sense of humour is a big thing for me. Like, if we can’t giggle and you don’t get my sense of humour then it’s going to be quite challenging for us to be able to get along as friends. Girl Code! – Also a biggie. My female friends must be able to stick to the girl codes! I’m not sure if i was supposed to stick to one answer for this question… Ooops!

6) Do you live your life with certain morals or rules because of your upbringing? Why are they important to you?

Wow, this is quite a tought one as I think I have a fair few but the main morals and rules I have been brought up with are to be honest and to be open-minded. My mum, nana and grampa taught me that. I was sometimes painfully honest. At school if I did something wrong then I would always tell my mum as soon as I could. That way, she could stick up for me and she would always be understanding. If I did something that got me into trouble, there was always a reason behind it. Being open minded, my mum is the best at this especially when I told her about my sexuality. She was brought up in a different era and was taught differently but she always tries her best to understand me and my ways. These are just 2 morals that I live by and they are important to me because they have helped make me the person I am today.

7) If you were given a trolley and told you had 5 minutes to grab your favourites from your local supermarket and keep them for free, what would be your top 5 go to’s?

  1. CRISPS! Anyone that knows me, knows about my crisp obsession. Any crisps any flavour!
  2. Quorn. It’s so expensive so I’d deffo pick some up for free!
  3. Painkillers. I go through paracetamol and ibuprofen as boost for my other painkillers like their going out of fashion!
  4. Sound system. I’d deffo pick myself up a decent sound system for the TV for when I’ve got Youtube on!
  5.  Tampons! let’s be honest ladies, they should be soo much cheaper than they are so who wouldn’t grab some for free!?

8) If you could take up ANY new hobby what would it be and why?

This is a real tough one! There are soo many hobbies and I feel like I already do my fave hobbies. But I think it would probably be football tbh. Mainly because my other half is obsessed with football, she watches it, plays it, used to work in football and I’d love to be able to understand more about it to take even more of an interest in it for her and also to be able to play it so I could have a kick about with her and not look like such a fool when doing so lol.

9) If you could have one thing for breakfast tomorrow and it could be ANY combination or anything what would you choose?

It’s obvious really… A bloody huge bowl of crisps!! Enough said.

10) Ebooks or physical books?

I haven’t even been reading books for very long tbh but I definitely prefer physical books. I enjoy holding a proper book, feeling how many pages I’ve read and how many I have left to read. But, I’ve never really read an ebook.

11) What do you link yourself with more a mermaid or a unicorn?

100% unicorn. I’m terrified of open water so I couldn’t be a mermaid even if I wanted to! My mum is obsessed with unicorns and either says that she owns one or that she is one and a unicorn couldnt give birth to a mermaid! And also because unicorns sh*t rainbows!!

11 questions I’d like my nominated bloggers to answer:

  1. What made you think ‘I want to start blogging’?
  2. You wake up one day and you’re told you can do ANYTHING you want within the next 24hours?
  3. If you were stuck on an abandoned island, what celebrity would you want to be stuck with?
  4. What was your dream job as a child?
  5. Would you rather have a night out on the town or a cosy night in?
  6. Sweet or savoury? And what is your fave sweet or savoury snack?
  7. What’s your favourite thing about yourself?
  8. What’s the best compliment you’ve received?
  9. If you could wake up in the body of ANYONE else, who would it be and why?
  10. If you could be any age for the day what would it be and why?
  11. What was your favourite lesson at school and why?

I would like to nominate:













    3 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogger Award”

    1. I DO have a unicorn! How else do you think I get to work???
      Thank you for the compliments. You made me smile and cry all at the same time. X

      Liked by 1 person

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